The Fallen Angel: A Book Review
The Fallen Angel written by David Hewson is the 9th novel in the Nic Costa series. I haven't gotten to read any other of the series and I can't say I really want to. No offense to Mr. Hewson but this read was extremely strange. It's about a detective in Rome, Italy who witnesses a tragic death of a man who fell from a scaffolding balony to the street below. His daughter was covered in his blood as she comforted him in his last breath of life. All evidence leads to her and the familiar story of a woman named Beatrice who was murdered for an alleged murder of her family. Everything that happens is like history repeating itself.
**Spoiler Alert**
**Spoiler Alert**
Nic Costa and his colleagues investigate the stories behind this death that was deemed a murder where there are three suspects. The daughter, son, and the mother. I will give this writer credit for a compelling story of crime with twist and turns but I still can't unread the last chapter of what truly happened in the book. The fact that the daughter was prostituting herself for the family's income by her own blood uncle is just disturbing. He took her virginity and was a disgusting man. I'm sure there are just as demented and messed up people like him out in the real world.
It was a decent read but I must say it's not a series I will continue on. Nic Costa had his fair set of troubles in romance but really, it was the only thing I could relate to in this novel. Otherwise, I was primarily detached from all of the characters. It's better when there are characters you can find in some way to relate to. otherwise it's nothing but paper. Was so glad when it was over. Not a book I would full-heartedly suggest to other book lovers.
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