Thursday, May 10, 2018

Phantom Evil: A Krewe of Hunters Book Review

Phantom Evil: A Krewe of Hunters Book Review

I had started late in the series with the Krewe of Hunters novel "Dying Breath" by Heather Graham. I had gotten so addicted that I eventually went back to start reading the older novels from the series to play catch up. This was the first novel of the series and I had read the e-book version since it was on my phone. Published in 2011 it introduces us to the crew. Jackson, Angela, Will, Jake, and Whitney.

This book would be classified under the paranormal/fantasy/crime/suspense/romance genres. It appeals to many. I am more a fan of subtle romance. I could do without the sexual content throughout the novel. I would have to say though, I love Heather's writing style. I am at the edge of my seat wanting more to the point I read the whole book in a few days.

This book follows a man named Adam Harrison who puts together a team of members who have a sixth sense for the paranormal. They are helped in solving crimes from those beyond the grave as they are discovered. This particular novel follows the Axeman of New Orleans, Louisiana. What I like about these novels as they are inspired by truth and spawn off from the history of the events.

I actually looked up these events and even though they are not portrayed as they were in the book, they were based on truth. The team works together with their new friends from the netherworld to crack the case of the mysterious death of a politician's wife and the can of worms that are unfolded in their investigation.

Aside from the sex scenes between two of the members of the team who find lust and love in the most unlikely of places at the most inopportune time, The novel was very good and it was a pleasure to read. I would recommend this novel to just about any woman who is into these types of novels. I would like to note that the sexual content is more or less hinted in the future novels without the in depth detail.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

A Dog's Purpose: A Book Review

A Dog's Purpose: A Book Review


I just got done reading this gem the other day. Honestly, I have nothing bad to say about this book! It's pretty much summed up as a dog who keeps reincarnating until he fills his purpose. It's packed with feel good moments, some sadness as well as comedic scenes. I had a really hard time putting it down to where instead of reading it in about a week which is my normal, I finished it in only three days.

W. Bruce Cameron has a captivating writing style and I figured out his trick to keep you turning pages. It seems that every end of a chapter was a cliff hanger that kept you wanting to solve the mystery. I actually liked that because it kept me engaged in the content. It's probably why I finished the book in so little time.


There are many parts to the book that I liked. I discovered they all have a substory as well. Bailey's Story, Ellie's Story Which were all Identities this one dog soul took as when reincarnated. The stories behind each of this dog's lives was very unique and all had a purpose except for maybe it's first. Toby who was a stray who found a home in a dog yard with a latina woman who hoarded animals.

Toby's life was short. He was living with his mother, two brothers, Fast and Hungry, and his sister. Unfortunately Hungry died before they found their way to the yard. The Latina woman was caught hoarding the dogs and they were taken away and euthanized which included Toby.

Toby wakes up as Bailey who had a completely different life. Born a Golden Retriever and escaping the puppy mill, he makes a journey to being found by a woman and presented to her young son Ethan. There was no greater bond than there was between Bailey and Ethan. Bailey learned some useful tricks that would carry on and make a big impact on his next life. Luckily Bailey lived to old age and woke up from his sleep in yet another body.

Ellie was Bailey's next persona. A female which made an interesting turn in the book as well as a bit humorous. Ellie was a Search and Rescue German Shepard. She learned tricks such as "find" and "show" which taught her how to use her sense of smell. There was an accident that impacted her sense of smell and she was forced to retire from the police K-9 unit. She managed to become a hero saving a few people when she too died of old age loved dearly by her masters.

Ellie woke up a black Labrador who was eventually named Buddy. He was in an abusive environment until he escaped and realized where he was. He went on a search for his "boy" Ethan. He used tactics he learned from each life. Hiding away from people and in the darkness like Toby, "save" like Bailey which would in fact come to have a different meaning toward the end of the novel, and "find" and the good use of his nose from being Ellie. The best was his determination to find his boy.

In the end, Bailey/Buddy and Ethan were reunited and he saved Ethan's life of sheer loneliness in turn giving Ethan happiness. Bailey had finally fulfilled his purpose by saving his boy.

Ethan died with Buddy at his side and he saw through to Buddy's soul and knew then it was Bailey. It was a sad touching climax to a beautiful story. This book made me look at my dog's differently. How much does she love me? Has she been reincarnated before? what might be on her mind? If you don't already have a dog this book just might make you want one. Well played W. Bruce Cameron, Well played