Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Skinny Bitch: A Book Review

Skinny Bitch: A Book Review

I got into a phase to read self-help books. This was the first I turned to and honestly some of it actually scared me into becoming Vegan. Which I have been for a couple weeks now. This book is a way to scare you straight I suppose. It tells you all the dangers in the food you eat.

To be fair I think it took it to the extremes though. I however read the chapter about meat and how the animals are treated before being killed in slaughter houses. It was in descriptive disgusting detail of what the workers are doing to the poor things and that no one is going to stop it. Or how they pump cows full of steroids to produce more milk to make the consumers' demands. Now I drink Almond milk and to be honest, I could drink that all day every day. It tastes much better than cow's milk anyway.

This book is pretty much encouraging you to eat hay and drink spring water for the rest of your life. I think that's a little too much to put it lightly. I have gone Vegan but it's in a pretty basic sense of the term. I don't buy all organic produce, I look at labels to make sure there's no animal byproducts in the food i'm eating such as butter, eggs, milk, cheese. That's for a different blog entry though. my journey with being Vegan will be on This Girl's Life: A Blog

This book doesn't even talk about exercise. It pretty much says you can be lazy as long as you're eating a diet of organic grass and bottled water. Jee, Thanks for scaring me into a pasture lifestyle Rory and Kim...

Fade to Black: A Krewe of Hunters Book Review

Fade to Black: A Krewe of Hunters Book Review


This book in The Krewe of Hunters series I just so happen to really like. To the point I read it in three days! It was based in Hollywood where a power couple's son Bryan McFadden is a P.I and there's a tragic murder of an actress from a beloved TV show in Hollywood. He is sent there by his deceased parents to protect Marnie Davante whom is suspected to be the next victim.

Of course this book is predictable if you catch on reading others in this series and a little sex. but being based around acting and Hollywood had me curious about it. There was even some name dropping of real life actors in Hollywood to make it a tad more realistic.

Heather Graham really outdid herself on this one and is making me anxious to read what happens next. There are 24 books in this series with another two due out in July and September. I have read six of them so far. Have a long way to go to catch up on the full series.

Heart of Evil: A Krewe of Hunters Book Review

Heart of Evil: A Krewe of Hunters Book Review

This book was honestly pretty boring. It's based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana based after a battle reenactment. A man named Charles Osgood goes missing. Th plantation owner's grand daughter Ashley Donegal immediately knows something's wrong and the Krewe of Hunters is called to solve the case. 

There's drama, mystery, romance, and even ghosts but it took me forever to finish this book and I was happy when it was over. The author, Heather Graham, seemed to have lacked her magic touch on this one. I suppose with all life it's a hit or miss situation. This one would be her miss. Don't get me wrong, i'm still a big fan of this series just not this novel in particular.

This was rather predictable. These two are gonna hook up, this person is gonna go missing, it just overall wasn't that fun of a read and I'm also not a big fan of sexual content in books and she does portray some in this book.