Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Blogging for Books

Blogging For Books

Thanks to a member in a facebook group, I was recommended a site to write reviews in exchange for free novels. I think it's something my mom could get into as well. It's called Blogging for Books. Through this site you can choose a book you're interested and receive a free copy (if available) to get shipped to you. You link your blog page and social media and can link your review to the book through their site. Then you look for another book.

How I came across this site was by asking if anyone did book reviews and where to find a site that may present an opportunity to do so. I asked via social media and I was recommended this specific site and had received my first book to review. After i'm finished with my current book, I will begin on this one to get a review out in a timely manner. You can only get one book at a time and must post a review in order to receive another.

This was my first book through them. It's about a rural Cuban family in 1980 who are torn apart during the Mariel Boatlift. It's a mythic historical novel and seems like an interesting read. I'm actually looking forward to this one. The summary of the novel seemed interesting enough.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Reviews and Relaxation

Reviews and Relaxation

**Not A Review**

I love to relax with a good book. Whether it be sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee and my current read or laying on my bed on my stomach with music playing in the background and my book in tow. It's always comforting to escape real life into a good novel. You can read anywhere! With the invention of Kindles and reading apps you can take an e-book novel on the go. I do that occasionally but my preferences are hardcover paper books. The smell of the musty paper has somewhat of an euphoric hold on me. I also love to feel the pages between my fingers as I turn to the next chapter.

There is a little anxiety in it though. When will this chapter end so I can begin another? how many pages does this book have? I always check for those two things so I skip ahead briefly to see what page the chapter ends to keep on my motivation to finish it or constantly check to see how much I've read or how many pages there are to go. I even update my progress on GoodReads often and use my progress on the app as a personal accomplishment.

A while ago I would get into books reading them back to back in merely a few days. I believe I read Interview With A Vampire in about a week's time, that was a huge hardcover novel but a very good one! I read Warm Bodies and The New Hunger by Isaac Marion in about 2 days, but they are smaller books. I also read Horns by Joe Hill in 3 days.

My love for reading kind of comes and goes. It's between "I just can't put this book down" to "I don't even want to pick this one up!" I go in and out between reading and ignoring my collection. I don't know if it's attributed by my Bi-polar and Depression or not. Lately though, My love has been sticking. Sure I don't read a book cover to cover in less than a week anymore but that's probably because I have a job now as well as 3 blogs to keep up on.

For me it's a great way to settle in for the evening. I always like to get at least 2 chapters done before I call it a night and go to sleep. I even have a book-light I use since my son sleeps with me. Lights tend to be visually stimulating for him thus keeping him awake a lot longer than his normal bedtime.
I burn an incense stick and put the radio on low volume, it's all a way to set the mood for the night's reading frenzy. I've actually stayed up well passed midnight just reading even when I had to be up at 6:30 in the morning for work. It definitely takes it's toll but I find it well worth it and that's why there's coffee in existence, Right?

Reading is very relaxing and enlightening. You actually learn a wider vocabulary from it and if you also write, alters and improves your writing style. I am a blogger and it has increased my skills immensely. I find myself using bigger words and relating to the Author's writing styles often. I'm not sure if you've noticed that or not. I tend to temporarily include an author's sense of writing in my own after reading a book, I suppose it's actually kind of amusing.

Books are a great way to escape reality in this world that just seems to be going wrong. You get to become the characters and live their lives for a short time while engaging in your book. You start to think like they do and relate to them fully if you're very interested in its events and the book is written well. This is why I love reading. Occasionally I suffer from drama at home and racing thoughts but this is my way out for a period of time. I will lock myself in my room with a good book for a few hours and allow the drama to ensue without me in it. I'm in a world that a good author has created for me and with imagination it becomes your own. That is an incredible feeling.

I also enjoy reviewing the wonderful novels I have read. It's a way to communicate with other bookworms like myself and learn of new genres and good books to add to your read-list. I like fantasy, Romance whether it be mushy like Nicholas Sparks, or Historic Fiction, I'm also very much into mystery and crime. I like a good twisted suspense and horror like novels too. On this blog you often find many reviews because I like sharing my love for books and giving my readers ideas of what they should look into. I tend to write a review maybe a day after finishing the book to let the ideas come into my mind. It's also a good way to express yourself and your opinions.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Combo Isaac Marion Book Review

Combo Isaac Marion Book Review


I'm doing a double book review since this is part of a 3 book series and this is the only picture I seem to have of these novels. I watched the movie Warm Bodies a while back and thought it was really cute. I then discovered it was lightly based off the novel of the same name by Isaac Marion. I had rushed to the library to find their copy and began reading the hell out of it.

**Spoiler Alert**

Warm bodies is about a Zombie named "R" Who meets a girl after killing her boyfriend and takes her captive to "keep her safe" They hide out in a commercial airplane where tons of zombies roam the airport. He takes care of her by scavenging for food and rescues her every time she tries to escape. He begins to change and starts becoming more human as time goes on and a budding flame ignites between him and Julie. This book is filled with an unexpected romance, tragedy, and blood throughout R's journey to becoming alive again. The zombies begin to feel and dream, something between the spark of R and Julie triggers an alive mask throughout the Zombie race. This was more like a teen love story but I'd have to say it's a very good novel. Issac Marion pays close attention to detail and his tactic of story progression is very well done. I'd have to say he's rather creative and has an extraordinary imagination.

The second book in this series is The New Hunger. It's a prequel to the Warm Bodies novel and very captivating. R wakes up after the zombie apocalypse and lightly describes his experience being newly dead after has taken place. However, this novel more surrounds a character from Warm Bodies, a young woman named Nora and her young brother. Their journey through the world of the undead and survival. It is filled with sadness as her little brother dies and she's left all alone. It ends with a happy ending as she eventually comes across Julie and is rescued by the military survival team and brought to their camp site downtown. Just like it's predecessor, this book is very well written and keeps you on the edge of your seat yearning for another chapter and more excitement.

As I said, as of now this is a 3 book series as Issac Marion is currently on the 4th installment. I'm currently in the proccess of reading The Burning World little by little on my phone while i'm out on the go. It is about Julie and R's life together after the death of her father. There's a slight shift in the world as zombies must rediscover themselves. I am looking forward to finishing this book as well as getting the new installment when it comes out either late this year or the beginning of next year.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Fallen Angel A Book Review

The Fallen Angel: A Book Review


The Fallen Angel written by David Hewson is the 9th novel in the Nic Costa series. I haven't gotten to read any other of the series and I can't say I really want to. No offense to Mr. Hewson but this read was extremely strange. It's about a detective in Rome, Italy who witnesses a tragic death of a man who fell from a scaffolding balony to the street below. His daughter was covered in his blood as she comforted him in his last breath of life. All evidence leads to her and the familiar story of a woman named Beatrice who was murdered for an alleged murder of her family. Everything that happens is like history repeating itself.

**Spoiler Alert**

Nic Costa and his colleagues investigate the stories behind this death that was deemed a murder where there are three suspects. The daughter, son, and the mother. I will give this writer credit for a compelling story of crime with twist and turns but I still can't unread the last chapter of what truly happened in the book. The fact that the daughter was prostituting herself for the family's income by her own blood uncle is just disturbing. He took her virginity and was a disgusting man. I'm sure there are just as demented and messed up people like him out in the real world.

It was a decent read but I must say it's not a series I will continue on. Nic Costa had his fair set of troubles in romance but really, it was the only thing I could relate to in this novel. Otherwise, I was primarily detached from all of the characters. It's better when there are characters you can find in some way to relate to. otherwise it's nothing but paper. Was so glad when it was over. Not a book I would full-heartedly suggest to other book lovers.

It's No F*cking Secret: Letters From A Badass Bitch! Review

It's No F*cking Secret: Letters From A Badass Bitch!

Book Review

Kelly Osbourne's Novel was really easy to get into. I can really relate to her. Sure I wasn't in a rock god's family and sure I wasn't a drug addict at any point in my life but just like me, she's very blunt and outspoken. This novel is definitely not for the easily offended types. She cusses, She lets out the skeletons in her closet, and she talks about some terrible events that have occurred in her life.

**Spoiler Alert**

Where she mentions her mother's cancer almost had me in tears. She was 18 at the time and had to sign consent forms for them to treat her mother all while her father was also in the hospital due to alcohol and drugs. It is the worst thing to have to go through seeing your loved ones suffering and all you can really do is wait it out. My heart goes out to Kelly for these hard times she's had to face. Especially as a teenager.

It's for sure not easy to be the daughter of a rock star, The whole world is trying to pick at things to hate her for or criticize but what I like about her is she tries not to be anyone but herself. She's grown up a lot and mentions things she'd undo if she could. My only advice to this dear girl is "Don't live with regrets, the past helped mold you into the person you are now. Embrace it!"

She's talked about her troubles with boys and being in the music scene. She talks about womanhood and a rebellious childhood. She shares many memories she had while on tour with her parents and people's expectations of her all the way into adulthood. I learned some useful "English" language as well. Whenever she used a slang British term, there was a little note on the page that describes what the word means in American English.

All I can really say is I loved this book so much I had to purchase it for my collection all while reading the copy I had got from the library thanks to a friend recommending it . It's one of those books that you can refer to whenever you're feeling lost in this horrible world we live in. That if you think you've got it bad, read about shit 20 times worse that has happened to someone else. Especially somewhat famous.

It goes to show whether you're popular in tabloids or not, we are all human. We make mistakes and have our bad days where we're just extremely depressed. The other lesson here is don't be afraid to be you. Other people suck why would you want to be someone else? you're awesome!

Under The Wide And Starry Sky Review

Under The Wide And Starry Sky


I just had the extremely pleasurable read of a Historic/Fiction/Romance novel by Nancy Horan. Normally historic novels aren't my forte and even though it took me quite a while to finish it was ultimately a very good read! I bought it on eBay. I'm one of those people that judge the book by the cool cover. Come on now I know i'm not the only one! I'm usually pretty accurate though. the ones I pick based on the cover are 9/10 good reads!

**Spoiler Alert**

It starts off with an American woman Fanny who drags her three children to France but winds up in England when the youngest, Hervey, falls ill. She is trying to fill her dreams of painting at an art institute that only allows men so must find other means for her son's medical assistance. Ultimately he dies from his illness. She soon meets a man named Robert Louis Stevenson who is a mediocre writer who is trying to fulfill his dream at writing a masterpiece. (He was a real novelist in the late 1800's)

Fanny and Robert's relationship was rocky at start but soon Louis falls for Fanny and tries his best to court her. She is still married to her estranged husband who she left behind in America for a better life. Louis' life wasn't easy. he endured illnesses throughout his life consisting of lung hemorrhaging. She later falls to his charm and agrees to marry him while promptly filing for divorce from her significant other. After their marriage he completes his masterpiece "Treasure Island" and becomes the talk of the century. They marry and their lives aren't easy on the journey to getting Louis back to perfect health.

They discover he becomes nearly cured while at sea so they plan a four month trip to the Samoan Islands and decide to live there to escape all the fame. They are befriended by the natives and teach one another many things. Fanny falls mentally ill due to all the stress and will lash out against her youngest son who grew into a gentleman and Louis. They head out on another journey to make her well. She later becomes well and they return to the Samoan islands.

Louis had gotten the strength to climb the tallest mountain on the island and claims that's where he wants to be buried when he dies. Unfortunately he is given that wish sooner than Fanny could bear. He dies of a brain blood clot and is buried on the peak of the mountain. 

This book was filled with drama, romance, and some facts about R.L.S and was very well researched by the author. from historical documents and accounts of some of their ancestors. I loved this read and would think my mother would like it too.