Reviews and Relaxation
**Not A Review**
I love to relax with a good book. Whether it be sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee and my current read or laying on my bed on my stomach with music playing in the background and my book in tow. It's always comforting to escape real life into a good novel. You can read anywhere! With the invention of Kindles and reading apps you can take an e-book novel on the go. I do that occasionally but my preferences are hardcover paper books. The smell of the musty paper has somewhat of an euphoric hold on me. I also love to feel the pages between my fingers as I turn to the next chapter.
There is a little anxiety in it though. When will this chapter end so I can begin another? how many pages does this book have? I always check for those two things so I skip ahead briefly to see what page the chapter ends to keep on my motivation to finish it or constantly check to see how much I've read or how many pages there are to go. I even update my progress on GoodReads often and use my progress on the app as a personal accomplishment.
A while ago I would get into books reading them back to back in merely a few days. I believe I read Interview With A Vampire in about a week's time, that was a huge hardcover novel but a very good one! I read Warm Bodies and The New Hunger by Isaac Marion in about 2 days, but they are smaller books. I also read Horns by Joe Hill in 3 days.
My love for reading kind of comes and goes. It's between "I just can't put this book down" to "I don't even want to pick this one up!" I go in and out between reading and ignoring my collection. I don't know if it's attributed by my Bi-polar and Depression or not. Lately though, My love has been sticking. Sure I don't read a book cover to cover in less than a week anymore but that's probably because I have a job now as well as 3 blogs to keep up on.
For me it's a great way to settle in for the evening. I always like to get at least 2 chapters done before I call it a night and go to sleep. I even have a book-light I use since my son sleeps with me. Lights tend to be visually stimulating for him thus keeping him awake a lot longer than his normal bedtime.
I burn an incense stick and put the radio on low volume, it's all a way to set the mood for the night's reading frenzy. I've actually stayed up well passed midnight just reading even when I had to be up at 6:30 in the morning for work. It definitely takes it's toll but I find it well worth it and that's why there's coffee in existence, Right?
Reading is very relaxing and enlightening. You actually learn a wider vocabulary from it and if you also write, alters and improves your writing style. I am a blogger and it has increased my skills immensely. I find myself using bigger words and relating to the Author's writing styles often. I'm not sure if you've noticed that or not. I tend to temporarily include an author's sense of writing in my own after reading a book, I suppose it's actually kind of amusing.
Books are a great way to escape reality in this world that just seems to be going wrong. You get to become the characters and live their lives for a short time while engaging in your book. You start to think like they do and relate to them fully if you're very interested in its events and the book is written well. This is why I love reading. Occasionally I suffer from drama at home and racing thoughts but this is my way out for a period of time. I will lock myself in my room with a good book for a few hours and allow the drama to ensue without me in it. I'm in a world that a good author has created for me and with imagination it becomes your own. That is an incredible feeling.
I also enjoy reviewing the wonderful novels I have read. It's a way to communicate with other bookworms like myself and learn of new genres and good books to add to your read-list. I like fantasy, Romance whether it be mushy like Nicholas Sparks, or Historic Fiction, I'm also very much into mystery and crime. I like a good twisted suspense and horror like novels too. On this blog you often find many reviews because I like sharing my love for books and giving my readers ideas of what they should look into. I tend to write a review maybe a day after finishing the book to let the ideas come into my mind. It's also a good way to express yourself and your opinions.