City of Ashes: The Mortal Instruments A Book Review
I would have to say this installment of The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare was pretty compelling. A lot of tension between characters and some action and comedy with it. Clary, Simon, and Jace face Valentine who is Clary and Jace's father in a Demon/Nephilim battle to the deaths. Naturally there's a relatively happy ending and many supporting characters involved.
Pretty much the sum of the story is. As being Valentine's son and being accused of spying on the Clave for him A woman who is the Inquisitor is bent on her beliefs that Jace has betrayed the Shadowhunters and inprisons him to be questioned by her superiors.
**Spoiler Alert**
Jace is used as a pawn by the inquisitor as a trade between the Mortal Instruments Valentine had acquired and his son. She threatened to kill Jace if the Instruments were not returned thinking Valentine genuinely loved his only son. Turned out she was wrong and provided her sincerest apologies to Jace and helped fight in the battle on Valentin's ship. Valentine was on a mission to collect the blood of Downworlder (werewolf, Warlock, Faerie, and Vampire) children to convert a sword to summon Demons and ultimately cause an apocalypse.
Cassandra Clare is talented in writing riveting stories That engulf you in the world she imagined and wrote on paper. I actually enjoy her style and am looking forward to receiving the next installment in the mail to continue on the journey of Clary and Jace.